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The average age is the medieval age or interim period of European history between age and old age people moderna.Tambe richest feudal lords and nobles were members of the Church and had a relationship of dependency more or less strong with the King of each region.

There were five of them and that within estatments different jobs:










The king is the ruler or monarch of a kingdom. The form of government in which the supreme position of the State is in the hands of the king known as a monarchy. In these cases, power is hereditary (when the king dies, crowned his son and so on).




The noble is who holds status or title of nobility, which was formed from ancient high dignity, both as a concept after "partner-group."





Above the rector of the church stood the bishop, who controlled a territory called extensive diocese. All were under the power of the Pope, Bishop of Rome. When it was necessary to discuss some important aspect (especially heresies), the bishops gathered in councils with the Pope.





Knights and soldiers were fighting wars of the land lord. They defended the castle for holes called "spies."

They had a healthy and varied and honey, all kinds of fruit, roast chicken, cake, donuts and cheese ...

The knights and soldiers were dressed l'armadura wars and when there was war, clothing lesser quality than the king.

In his free time hunting and playing board games.





Based their life in God. Prayers were seven times the day and one at night. They can to read written ... They do manuscripts ...






Trade is socio-economic activity of sale of goods or services, whether for use, sale or processing. The merchant typically purchase large quantities of goods to sell in smaller quantities. The retail trade is buying wholesale distributors (or directly from the producers) and sold to the end consumer.





In the Middle Ages, depended on the trade in its products. Pay taxes (they were not privileged) and were part of the bourgeoisie. They were placed in the seventh position of the pyramid of bodies.






A farmer or peasant farmer is a person whose job working the land. The farmer is traditionally defined in sociology as a member of a community or rural agrarian society.





During the Middle Ages,

serf was a nobleman who served in conditions that, at present, would be considered close to slavery. The noble had the power to decide on the person and their property rights and easement could be transferred from the nobility. The term servant (Latin servus) refers to a form of social and legal relationship typical of feudalism between a person, usually a peasant and feudal lord, and that is subject to its.







Where peasants lived in castles, lived in huts with all his family. The huts were made of straw.

They were wearing jerseys bearing long caputxa.Menjaven berries, mushrooms and chestnuts in the season ... not eating carn.Els peasants worked on the land, in exchange for the king defended, but there were more conditions: the half of the food was to be the king.


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